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1st chakra - The Root
Primary color is red; other colors associated with the Root Chakra are black brown, and gray.
2nd chakra - The Navel
Primary color is orange; others are all various shades of orange.
3rd chakra - The Solar Plexus
Primary color is yellow; others are various shades of yellow.
4th chakra - The Heart
Primary color is green and shades of green; the secondary color is pink.
5th chakra - The Throat
Primary color is light blue like aqua or turquoise; secondary colors are various shades of lighter blues.
6th chakra - The Third Eye (or Brow)
Primary color is dark indigo blue, or various shades of dark blue.
7th chakra - The Crown
Primary color is purple; the secondary colors are shades of purple and colorless(clear) or pure white.
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How Chakras constrict Posture and vise versa

The first chakra, namely the root chakra called Muladhara in Sanskrit, is located on the pelvis in between the urethra and the anus where the first muscular rigidity of the body takes its toll on the posture of the hips.

The second chakra, namely the sacral chakra called Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, is located 2 inches below the naval where another muscle rigidity gives a slouch to the lower back.

The third chakra, namely the solar plexus chakra called Manipura in Sanskrit, is located above the diaphragm where another muscle rigidity gives a slouch to the upper back.

The fourth chakra, namely the heart chakra called Anahata in Sanskrit, is located on the second vertebra where another muscle rigidity gives the shoulders their first slouch

The fifth chakra, namely the throat chakra called Vissudha in Sanskrit, is located on the throat and neck where another muscle rigidity gives the shoulders their second slouch in the form of a droop as well as a habitual bend to the neck stopping the head from being held high.

The sixth chakra Then comes the turn of the third-eye-chakra located between the two eyebrows, that gives the first shrinkage to the lips and to the eyes distorting the positioning of the jaws and hence, generating all the vision problems.

The seventh chakra, namely the crown chakra called Sahasrara in Sanskrit, is located on the top of the head, giving the lips and the eyes their second shrinkage, further distorting the positioning of the jaws and hence, further generating more vision problems.

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