Crystal Healing Technique 2
1)To start off,place these crystals on the following Chakras.Using crystals not longer than 2 inches (weighing less than 50 grams,2 oz).As long a s the client does not experience any discomfort.Note :These are some of the common crystals for the respective chakras,but many other crystals may be used.
1st:Muladhara(Root):use Smokey Quartz and /or BlueTiger Eye.
2nd:Svadhisthana(Sacral):use Carnelian and /or Red Jasper.
3rd:Manipura(Solar Plexus):Citrine and/or Tigers eye.
4th Anahata:Upper(Heart Chakra):Green Aventurine.Jade,Malachite
4th AnaHata:Lower(Heart Chakra):Rose Quartz,Ruby,Rhodonite,Rhodochrosite.
5thVisuddha(Throat Chakras):Celestite,Rainbow Fluorite,Blace lace agate
6thAjna (Third eye):Amethyst,Aquamarine,Clear Quartz
7th Sahasrara(Crown):Clear Quartz ,Amethyst.Rutilated Quartz,White Calcite.
TheĀ first thing to do is touch the Patient's shoulders and take 3 deep breaths and sync your breathing with the patients breathing. Once the crystals are in place using a strand of quartz spheres or a crystal pendulum,moving the strand or pendulum in the following directions.The crystal healing tool should be about 2-3 inches above the chakra points. Move the crystal healing tool in the clockwise or counter clockwiseposition(depending if you are working on a male or female) for about 1 minute in each direction on each chakra.Example if you you doing it to a male you would start on the root chakra,and rotate your crystal healing tool on the root chakra in the clockwise position for about a minute,and then rotate in the counter close position for about a minute.You move the strand or pendulum in the required position by using your mind and not the motion of your hand.Start at the root chakra and make your way up to the Crown chakra.(See Table below) .Make sure the crystal healing tool is done in both directions on every chakra;the table below explains in what direction the crystal healing tool is started in,depending on the sex of the individual. The position is reversed for Feminine ,eg you would start counter-clockwise for the root chakra. It is also good for the practioner to hold a protective crystal such as tourmaline or quartz in their free hand so they do not pick up any negative energies from the patient.